Saturday, March 28, 2009

Late to the party

Guitar Hero II is awesome...


I was first introduced to Guitar Hero on the Wii through Legends of Rock and have been a fan of the franchise ever since. And for the "Why don't you pick up a real instrument crowd?", I think Mitch Krpata sums it up nicely.

Although a lot of people didn't like the steep difficutly curve in GH3, I slowly but surely began to welcome and embrace the challenge because of the heightened feeling of accomplishment. This is where I think GH: World Tour drops the ball completely.

If I wanted to play Rockband, I'd play Rockband. And to be honst, RB:2 is really the better overall product.

Slight digression aside, I can only think of a few memorable songs from World Tour that go continuous play:

-Zack Wylde's song
-Scream Aim Fire
-Satch Boogie
-The Wind Cries Mary

I've had this game for about 4-5 months mind you. The "only time will tell" cliche works rather nicely here, but I can already see myself having much more fulfilling experiences with GH:2 in the couple hours I've spent with it.

-Jordan O_o
-Free Bird
-Beast and the Harlet
-Less talk more Rokk
-Some song in the last tier that starts with "G"
-Another song with the word "grass" in it

Again, it will only be through continuous play sessions that I'll be able to really gauge the products replayability, but at least Guitar Hero II feels like an actual Guitar Hero game and not Rockband 1.5

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

In case you haven't heard...

It's a little rough, but it's great to hear these guys again.

Out of the Game, Ep. 1: Born Before Digital

Robert Ashley
N'Gai Croal
Shawn Elliott
Jeff Green
Luke Smith



At times the sound quality of this episode sucks. We're working on it. One week, we'll succeed in taping a separate track for each cast member, and then manage to mix them properly. This isn't that week. But don't blame ZootedGranny, who generously agreed to assist with difficult edits. You're listening now because of his effort.

Monday, March 16, 2009


I've been away. And I apologize. Street Fighter just came out and I've put around 90 hours into it already. Sad? Maybe. But that game is damn fun.

Anywho, this is not the time for excuses. Consider this a personal slap in the face to get my anus in gear. If I must digress to simply posting links to other places, then so be it.

Will you be my motivation?